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The stigma of "seeing a therapist" is starting to fade and many people these days agree that everyone could benefit from therapy from time to time.  Additionally, scientific research has recently discovered that trauma can be passed down in our DNA from generation to generation and the youngest generation doesn't even have to experience a traumatic event to feel the affects. They feel it in their body and in their relationships or their personalities.  We make choices, good or bad based on our past experiences and what if we are making decisions based on a past traumatic experience that we ourselves have not even personally gone through? 


Systemic Family Constellations is explained as:  a three-dimensional group process that has the power to shift generations of suffering and unhappiness. Bert Hellinger, the founder of this work, who studied and treated families for more than 50 years, observed that many of us unconsciously "take on" destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of "belonging" in our families. Bonded by a deep love, a child will often sacrifice his own best interests in a vain attempt to ease the suffering of a parent or other family member.

Family Constellations allow us to break these patterns so that we can live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. In a moment of insight, a new life course can be set in motion. The results can be life-changing. 


The actual therapy is moving, spiritual and fascinating. It plays well with the more open attitude of the fading stigma and the idea that therapy doesn't have to be a deep dark secret anymore.  


Constellations  Destinations

Mindful Actions will be adding dates to our calendar for Constellations events outside of Connecticut.

If you are interested in booking an event please let us know, we would be more than happy to work with you on scheduling in your location.










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Ed has trained extensively with many well respected experts:


Judith Hemming - is the founder of MovingConstellations and a former director of the nowherefoundation. She is one of Britains foremost practitioners and trainers of Constellations and is highly regarded internationally as an expert in systemic approaches.

Bertold Ulsamer - is a Doctor of Law and psychologist. He has been leading family constellation seminars since 1995. He offers advanced training in this field and has worked in many countries. (including Germany, Switzerland, the USA, Argentina, India and Italy He was of the trainers at the international intensive in Zist Germany in 2003. As a trainer at the International Intensive in Germany in 2003 he was considered to be the clearest teacher of constellation work.
He is the author of two books on family constellations, as well as books in the field of communication and self-management.  

Dan Booth Cohen - holds a PhD from Saybrook University and an MBA from Boston University. He is author of I Carry Your Heart in My Heart: Family Constellations in Prison and numerous scholarly articles and book chapters. He was trained in Systemic Family Constellations by its founder, Bert Hellinger, and many of the leading European trainers of this method. He was Co-Director in 2011 and 2013, and Honorary Chair in 2015 of the US Systemic Constellation Conferences and is on the faculty of the annual North American Systemic Constellation Intensive. He has led workshops and trainings in 11 countries in Europe, Asia and South America and throughout the United States.

Emily Blefeld - A Masters graduate of the University of Minnesota, is the founder of Psychotherapy Center for Wellness, LLC and co-founder of Seeing with Your Heart. She serves on the faculty of the North American Systemic Constellations Intensive and has presented at the Omega Institute, Kripalu, and the 2013 and 2015 U.S. Systemic Constellation Conferences. She has led workshops and trainings in Scotland, Ireland, and in several areas across the United States.  

J. Edward Lynch, Ph.D - is extensively trained and is a national and internationally known facilitator and trainer in the systemic constellation method. He is Founder of the North American Systemic Constellation Summer Intensive which has been in existence for 15 years. 

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